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Welcome to the Lake Buchanan Communities Alliance

Uniting POA's, Small Businesses, Civic Groups, and individuals.

Get To Know Our Alliance

The Lake Buchanan Communities Alliance (LBCA) is a collaboration of POA's, small businesses, civic groups, and individuals in the Highland Lakes Area of Central Texas. Our combined membership represents the majority of residents around Lake Buchanan as well as members from Inks Lake, Lake LBJ and Lake Travis.

Sunset at Painted Sky Resort

Our goal is to bring together the many common interests in our diverse area in order to provide for a larger voice in the things that matter to our members. Among those things are, of course water, quality of life and economic advancement.



The Purposes of the LBCA are promoted through advocacy and educational programs directed toward property owners’ associations, civic organizations, small businesses and the general public; developed through conferences, committees, projects and programs. Our six main purposes are as follows:

  • To act as a coordinating body for the efforts of Lake Buchanan
      groups, which shall remain as autonomous groups;

  • To act as a clearinghouse for information and to give guidance in
      all matters of concern and well-being to individual communities and to provide to its member's information, education and awareness through forums, seminars, etc., on those subjects relating to community concerns.

  • To research those plans, resolutions, ordinances, and legislation
    which affect communities in the Lake Buchanan area and, to make
    specific recommendations.

  • To make a positive contribution to our area through the promotion of civic awareness.

  • To encourage individuals who are responsive to the needs of the community.

  • To engage in any and all lawful activities incidental to the foregoing purposes.

Lake Buchanan Communities Alliance

If you like what we do, please consider a small donation to help us continue our mission.


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Board Members
President: Wayne Shipley
Vice President: Monica Brandt
Secretary-Treasurer: Marci O'Brien
BOD Member: Jared Dishman
BOD Member: Paul Norman
BOD Member: Bill Witt
LBCA meets the fourth Monday of each month from January through October: Lakeshore Library, 
7346 RR 261
Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609



512-441-5606, 512-775-3689

P.O. Box 11 Buchanan Dam, Texas 78609

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